Sustainability at STEINLEN Elektromaschinenbau GmbH
„Sustainability is a principle of action for the use of resources, in which a permanent satisfaction of needs is to be guaranteed by preserving the natural regenerative capacity of the systems involved (especially of living beings and ecosystems).“ Source: Wikipedia
There are various aspects or areas of sustainability that need to be taken into account: In addition to ecological sustainability (environment), social sustainability (society) and economic sustainability (economy) also play a major role. We at Steinlen have reviewed the questions "Where are we sustainable?" and "Which principles are important to us?" And are are able to answer them as follows.

We offer acceptance and openness. With us, employees find a working environment that is open to everyone, regardless of origin, cultural background, language, belief, sexual orientation or gender identity.
Social responsibility
We not only train, we also take on many of our trainees after they have completed their training. We pay above the collective bargaining agreement, offer subsidies for old-age provision that go beyond the legal requirements and provide industrial employees with work clothes.
We offer training positions in the industrial / technical area as well as in the commercial branch. Because of their excellent examination results, our trainees are continuing to win awards for highest scoring graduate of the country, are celebrated as Kammersieger (chamber winner), or have received other awards.
Our company has existed for more than 115 years and has been owned by the Steinlen family for 50 years. We have a strong connection to the region, which is characterized by loyalty to our location. We have many long-term employees in our company, the majority of whom are also living in the region. Some of our employees are involved in the local voluntary fire brigade, which we not only advocate, but support.
Work safety
Work safety has a very high priority in our company, from the employees to the management level.
A broad customer base guarantees stability and continuity. We always focus on fair competition, especially since our suppliers are also our customers.
Transparent delivery chains
A reliable supplier base is just as important to us as a broad customer base. We achieve this through transparent supply chains. All of our suppliers are required to adhere to our Code of Conduct and we carry out regular supplier evaluations.
Quality management
Our quality management system is certified by ISO 9001:2015 standards. We are familiar with other common standards and their requirements, for example from the VDA area.
We have our own in-house maintenance department, which ensures that processes run smoothly at Steinlen through permanent controls and the elimination of faults in the systems.
This also includes our IT, which is responsible for the functioning of our ERP system and the interfaces to our largest customers, as well as for our entire IT landscape.
Product responsibility
We comply with all requirements in connection with restrictions on chemicals, hazardous substances and conflict minerals (REACH, RoHS etc.) and we also require this from all of our suppliers. As a repair company, we also generally pursue a resource-saving approach (repair before new production).
Process responsibility
We use new processes and procedural techniques and work closely together with our largest customers. An example of the environmental aspect is our innovative paint shop.
Environmental protection
We adhere to the restriction of pollutant emissions into the air (VOC balance) and also demand this from our suppliers and partners. We constantly control and minimize our waste generation (recyclable material / landfill / hazardous waste, etc.).
We have a wastewater treatment plant and thus ensure that no waste oils or other polluting substances get into the water cycle.
Furthermore, when purchasing new systems, lighting technology, etc., we pay attention to sustainability in accordance with the latest state of the art.
Our operational maintenance also plays an important role in regards to the environmental aspect: we minimize journeys from external service providers and here, too, repairs are more important than new purchases.
Um unseren gesetzlichen Verpflichtungen nachzukommen, aber auch unseren eigenen Ansprüchen gerecht zu werden, haben wir erstmals in 2024 für das zurückliegende Jahr 2023 einen Nachhaltigkeitsbericht – angelehnt an den GRI-Standard – erstellt und werden dies kontinuierlich fortführen.
Unseren aktuellen Nachhaltigkeitsbericht finden Sie hier: